Many older games released on optical media employed copy-protection measures that make it very difficult to back them up. This is a listing of the scenes that rip and preserve them, with opinions about the merits of each courtesy of Rom Sheppard.
Month: January 2016
Ongoing Project Roster
A list to track (and remember) what it is I’ve done and hope to do, project-wise.
Unified Threat Management (UTM) for the home
Overkill? Probably, but overkill is my middle name (actually, it’s Max).
Continue reading Unified Threat Management (UTM) for the home
El Capitan on Mac Pro 1,1
Apple abandoned the Mac Pro 1,1 ages ago, but the hardware is perfectly capable of running El Capitan. With a little help.
VOIP service housekeeping
Pings change. Use Pinginfoview to test multiple VOIP servers at once to determine which one to use. Set it up to test over a day or two to ensure your chosen server reacts well under load.